What Amino Acids Are in Beef Broth


Our guest blogger Sarah Armstrong, along with her sister Ashley, are The Potent Sistas, 2 girls passionate virtually regenerative agriculture, sharing the carnivore way of life, & all things health & fitness.

Os broth has recently resurfaced as a hot article - literally - in the health realm, with item presence in the paleo, keto, & carnivore circles. Despite the boom in popularity, bone broth is nothing new. Bone goop has been a staple item in several traditional cultures for centuries, and for good reason.

Bone broth is nothing brusk of delicious, and information technology'due south the closest thing we have to a "superfood" or a natural multivitamin; the nutrients contained in bone broth benefit almost every part of the body. Many of these nutrients, however, are independent in parts of the animal we rarely swallow or cannot hands be eaten directly, such as the bones, tendons, and ligaments. Our ancestors fabricated good apply of these parts by making broth, assuasive the basic to release nutrients (such as collagen, glycine, glutamine, marrow, & an abundance of vitamins and minerals) into the stock.

These healing compounds have led to the all too familiar recommendation to "drink some soup" when we're ill; the warm, nutritious broth will surely brand us experience meliorate. Turns out, this is a great suggestion, withal, the ultra-candy canned soups found on shelves at the supermarket are not what this suggestion refers to.

As the famous Due south American saying reads, "proficient broth will resurrect the dead." Not all broth is created equal. The canned, shelf stable, highly candy broths we've become accepted to are devoid of nutrients and typically full of toxins and preservatives; exactly what our bodies practise non need.

However, the result of simmering high quality, grass-fed beef bones or pastured poultry basic is a liquid gold containing a wide array of bioavailable vitamins and minerals. We recommend you source the highest quality bones to make your broth, as these basic will contain the highest amount of nutrients with the least amount of toxins.

And so… what are these powerful nutrients, you may enquire?

Nutrients in Bone Broth


Bone broth is a smashing source of protein, stocked total of several essential and non-essential amino acids that assist rebuild our tissues. Bone broth that is 'wiggly jiggly' when at a absurd temperature is especially loftier in the protein collagen, which is fabricated upward, in large part, by amino acids glycine, proline, & glutamine.



Inside the cavity of the bones is bone marrow, which is an splendid source of raw fat, collagen, & several vitamins and minerals. The marrow is the fat that will carve up to the top when yous let the goop cool in the fridge. Bone marrow is specially loftier in vitamin East, containing 4.7x the amount of vitamin E in muscle meat, & is comparable to 1 cup of whole milk in calcium(ane).

Further, bone marrow contains adiponectin(two) and is a rich source of conjugated linoleic acrid (CLA). Adiponectin is a hormone that supports insulin sensitivity, breaks down fat & decreases the take chances of cardiovascular disease, diabetes & obesity associated cancer. Thus, the marrow adipose tissue serves as an endocrine organ that tin can influence metabolism, significant the marrow acts as a chemical messenger that tin can regulate afar target organs. CLA is a type of fat that decreases inflammation & farther enhances allowed role(iii).

Cerise bone marrow, in particular, functions as the manufacturing site for new carmine blood and allowed cells(4,5) and many believe that these critical immune back up factors are extracted from bone marrow when cooked, such as in the process of making bone goop.


In addition, numerous minerals are extracted from the basic when making broth. One time once again, the source and corresponding quality of the bones matters. High quality bones from stiff, healthy animals volition likely output a college corporeality of minerals, including(6):

  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc

Tip: Some advocate that adding an acidic medium to broth helps extract more of these minerals from the bones. This is why we add a small corporeality of apple tree cider vinegar to our White Oak Pastures broth. While in that location is calcium in bones, bone goop itself is not a bully source of calcium, and 1 cup contains virtually 8% of the RDA of calcium when an acidic medium is used.


Grassfed Beefiness Bone Goop
i Qt. $9.99


Pasture-Raised Poultry Bone Broth
1 Qt. $9.99

Of particular mention is several of these nutrients part(s) in improving gut wellness and aiding digestion, discussed below.

Bone Broth & Gut Health

Gut health is a proficient indication of one's overall health. Chronically poor digestion, bloating, gas, GERD, constipation, and diarrhea are all noticeable symptoms of a deeper problem stemming from the gut, but not all gut issues are as easily detected.

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the intestinal lining is thinned and weakened, compromising the ability of this barrier to practise its job: continue food particles and microbes IN the gut & other bodily fluids out. With a weakened intestinal lining, undigested particles can leak through, increasing inflammation and causing dysfunction all over the body, every bit our immune organisation "ignites" to attack the strange substances that have leaked through. This results in an autoimmune-similar response. As autoimmunity, in conjunction with leaky gut syndrome, is on the rise, it'd exist wise to take precautionary measures to avoid compromising your gut health, and to accept steps to repair whatsoever impairment already done. There's good inquiry os broth can help in both scenarios.

Earlier nosotros discuss how bone broth can help heal the gut, we must beginning understand the various nutrients comprised in bone broth that accept part in the healing process.

Collagen / Gelatin

You've probably heard of collagen by at present, but what exactly is it? Collagen is a protein, a brand-upwardly of several amino acids that serve different functions in the body. Each poly peptide has a unique brand upwards of amino acids, and when yous digest the protein, you're really absorbing these tiny amino acids, which your trunk and so uses to form new protein chains.

If your diet lacks a sure amino acrid(s) needed to brand a poly peptide, your torso cannot always compensate for this, which is why some proteins are considered "essential" — aka, y'all must obtain these amino acids from your diet, as your trunk cannot produce them on its ain.

"Complete proteins" contain all nine "essential" amino acids. However, simply considering an amino acrid is 'not-essential' does not mean we should not include it in our diets, every bit the power to *abundantly* produce some of these amino acids is limited to people in groovy health.

Individuals dealing with peel issues, joint pain, or connective tissue disorders are non abundantly producing these not-essential amino acids. These issues may stem from (several) nutrient deficiencies, with notable mention of non-essential amino acids glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline (fabricated from proline and lysine) - three amino acids that are arable in collagen protein, an "incomplete" protein. Collagen's benefits (see image) stem from these amino acids.


If fabricated properly, bone broth is a wonderful source of collagen, with 1 cup typically containing around vii-10 grams worth of the protein. I of the best ways to exam whether your broth is high in collagen is the "jerk test" — gelatin is the cooked form of collagen, then once cooled, broth that is high in collagen will adopt a "gelatin" consistency, similar to jello, and jerk when shaken.


The collagen stems from the connective tissues, skin, tendons, and other gelatin-rich parts of the animal, typically what are considered 'odd' and hardly consumed. Think: chicken anxiety. (Yes, nosotros recommend including chicken feet in your broth, as you'll notice in the attached recipe. More than on this beneath; don't knock it till you lot try it!)

grassfed-beef-gelatin_600 Grassfed Beef Gelatin
1 Qt. 12.99


Glycine is an amino acid, but it is not considered "essential" - reason existence, our bodies can make glycine, then we technically do not need to consume it. However, it's been estimated that our ability to produce glycine likely falls short of our daily needs. Our bodies accommodate to states of glycine deficiency by reducing our own turnover of collagen (think: accelerated aging, arthritis, poor skin elasticity, etc.)... We don't want that, so it would be wise to consume some external source(s) of such.

The unique functions of glycine can exist seen in the image below.


Our ancestors naturally ate a diet loftier in glycine through regular consumption of bones and connective tissue. Today, about of us do not, which is why bone broth is a crucial improver to our diets to ensure we're maintaining a healthy residue of several amino acids that play a part in synthesizing proteins; the edifice blocks our bodies employ to regularly rebuild our tissues.

How Bone Goop Tin Heal the Gut

Equally mentioned, bone goop is an incredible source of collagen/gelatin, glycine, and several other fundamental amino acids, making it one of the most beneficial foods to improve gut health and aid digestion. These nutrients help seal any openings in the gut lining, supporting the integrity of the intestinal wall and reducing the amount of toxins that escape the gut and 'pollute' the rest of the torso. Taking steps to repair the gut can pb to reduced inflammation & improved immune arrangement function. Here are some nutrients that help these functions:


Os broth rich in gelatin can help seal the mucosal lining of the GI tract, which helps support intestinal health and integrity(7). As such, individuals with digestive bug or compromised guts will probable benefit from increasing the amount of collagen in their nutrition, as collagen is composed of several amino acids (such as glycine and glutamine) that help build the gut lining.

Gelatin absorbs and retains water. As such, the presence of gelatin in the gut increases the amount of fluid in the intestines, which supports healthy bowel movements by encouraging movement in the area. Compare this to miraLAX: a laxative that relieves constipation via the same mechanism (increasing the amount of fluid in the intestine), unnaturally. Endeavor drinking broth, instead!

Amino Acids, Glycine & Glutamine

Both glycine and glutamine as well help maintain the integrity of the gut. In regards to digestion, glycine stimulates the production of stomach acid, which is a required component of proper digestion and food assimilation. In detail, glycine helps synthesize bile acid, which is released during the digestive process in club to aid in the breakdown of fats in the small-scale intestine(8). Improved digestion leads to an increase in nutrient absorption, ultimately leading to enhanced health. So not simply does bone broth encourage proper digestion, only it is an excellent source of nutrients itself, providing us with a multitude of wellness benefits.

Farther, glycine has been shown to protect against gastric ulcers(nine).

Not all bone broths come with these benefits. Many store bought broths are simply not of the same quality equally those you tin can make at home or discover in the White Oak Pastures farm store. View the paradigm beneath for some other considerations regarding os broth.

Here is the link if you lot're interested in purchasing some of White Oak Pasture's nutritious os goop. Otherwise, here's some staple ingredients to include in your next bone goop batch that will lead to ultimate "wiggle jiggle" (more than collagen!) & an increased corporeality of nutrients.

Staple Bone Broth Ingredients

Stewing Hens

Several traditional methods of making bone broth includes using older hens, similar stewing hens (aka, postmenopausal egg layers). These hens spend more time on pasture than meat birds, developing stronger basic with higher levels of vitamins and minerals, namely calcium, boron, and phosphorus. When simmered, these nutrients are released into the goop.


Chicken Heads

Chicken heads comprise the brain and eyeballs, which also secrete a unique agglomeration of nutrients into the goop, and absolutely enhance the flavor, sans whatsoever seasoning. The heads likewise incorporate a lot of collagen to better the 'wiggle jiggle' of the broth.

Chicken Feet

As mentioned, chicken feet (and other carcass parts) are a staple ingredient in high quality, collagen filled goop. The pare is an excellent source of proline and glycine, two amino acids nosotros discussed that make up the poly peptide collagen, which transforms into gelatin in one case cooked. So if you want "wiggly jiggly" os broth, it would exist wise to include chicken feet in the cooking procedure.

In one case the craven feet have been softened and pulled from the goop, don't throw them out! Chicken feet are a wonderful, crunchy snack when roasted. Try roasting the softened chicken feet in the oven, as described here .


Incorporating Bone Broth into Your Diet

As nosotros've uncovered, there'southward a lot to capeesh about bone broth, and it makes sense why this traditional food has passed the test of fourth dimension. If you've lost impact with our bequeathed ways but want to first including this nutritious broth into your regular routine, there's no reason to exist intimidated — it'south at present piece of cake to go your hands on quality ingredients to make your ain.

Check the premade broths we have available in shop, including Grassfed Beef Bone Goop and Pastured Poultry Os Goop, or effort making your ain using a variety of our highest quality animal bones following our extra wiggly-ijggly recipe:



Ashley & Sarah Armstrong are The Potent Sistas, two girls passionate about regenerative agriculture, sharing the carnivore way of life, & all things health & fitness.

  • Meet their favorite products from White Oak Pastures
  • Visit their website to acquire more than nearly their lifestyle and s ubscribe to their newsletter
  • Follow along on Instagram @stiff.sistas


  1. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/manufactures/PMC3417664/pdf/IJCH-71-17997.pdf
  2. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/manufactures/PMC5014002/pdf/kadi-05-03-1149269.pdf
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/manufactures/PMC3103755/
  4. https://www.jstor.org/stable/20421458?seq=ane#page_scan_tab_contents
  5. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11960292
  6. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15982542
  7. https://world wide web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3358810/
  8. http://www.biochemj.org/content/174/2/621
  9. https://europepmc.org/article/med/9344231


Source: https://blog.whiteoakpastures.com/blog/bone-broth-gut-nurturing-nutrients

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